why didn't steve downs get custodywhy didn't steve downs get custody
That is the way she was brought up,especially at the demand of her rigid but verydedicated father. Q. Yet, that is exactly what the videotape showsDiane laughing hysterically about hurting her arm. They played the tape in the courtroom, and the fact that Diane did not break down but tapped her foot to the music, was supposed to be another proof of her guilt. So, were there any other attempted carjackings in the area that night? And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. Some 287 errors and falsehoods were documented by Liysa and verified by official sources. The whole blog claims the trial was flawed. She also told media she became pregnant without Steve's "permission." 4 Steve has never spoken publicly about his ex-wife, Diane Credit: AP Most read in News It deserved as much attention as a Unicorn, a song or all the other hearsay floating around because at least, they came from real people signing official documents. They believed the testimony of her former boyfriends who were far from stellar individuals. Despite all of this: that the attorney became a Foster Carer irrelevant, inflammatory, subjective and bears no reflection on the trial, or indeed the trial outcome. Not that Dianes mental health was not a factor in her letter, but it was definitely taken out of context in some instances. You are wondering about the question why didn t steve downs get custody but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. So I did not post your comment about his answer to your inquiry. They had high hopes for Dianes future and this bad boy was not part of it. U seem very one sided on every case Ann Rule has ever written just as u claim she did to u. N her parents didnt want custody of the children just like the father. Diane Downs is no exception. Someone can have an evil vibe and not be guilty of a crime. He strung her along, played with both womens emotions, and after saying he would join her in Oregon, reneged and stayed with his wife. Police witness reports of strangers and confessions were suppressed or not pursued. If you are not bothered by lack of due process and a prosecutor making up psychiatric labels and adopting kids from a defendant or a judge who gets promoted from family court to criminal court to hang Diane, I am sure bothered by it. Within three weeks, Diane had lost custody of her remaining wounded children and had become the number one suspect in the eyes of the police department and District Attorneys office. The case was so one sided that it is about time some of us bring up the other side. Do you remember probably about four or five days after So Mark, where are you from? Are you still taking comments by email? She says she was outside the car n watched the man shoot her children n then the only adult n person who could tell police about him only gets a shot in the arm n takes time to bandage her arm. The implication was not only cruel, in the light of what Diane was suffering, it was also clear. I like the way you keep an open mind about Diane herself and what she may or may not have been going through mentally. But it is not hard to see that the way this tape and her confession were obtained was not legitimate. I mean if a guy admits to killing children over and over, shouldnt we pay attention to that? If you read the blog, you will see many examples of media hype and character assassination. From what Ive read, she gets a parole hearing every decade and the next time in 2030 she will be 75. After all, Cheryl Downs is basically serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole for her mothers crime. Instead, there is blood splatter on the ceiling of the car. I try to remain objective in spite of the media storm depicting the case in a certain way, which is not accurate in every aspect. It simply states the facts of the case. She was in solitary confinement for years and even escaped from prison once but was recaptured. It does not get any bigger than this. There were good reasons to look at this mother, but the detective admitted on the stand that they stopped looking at anyone else after two weeks and the stranger on the road became a joke. The unicorn, the song, her personality. No forensic evidence pointing to her, just conjecture based on how mothers should act. A conviction founded on lies is no conviction at all. Page 50 of Case History Why is there virtually no info on him? The people who implemented lockdowns would never be anywhere near public policy again. Steve knew Danny was not his biological child and left Downs. Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial, he tried to retain defense attorney Melvin Belli who had the reputation of fighting for his clients and to win all his cases. I am a true crime junkie. ..it is quite possible if she was tried in todays world, with the evidence they hadquite possible it would of went differentlywe been living in a society that pretty much demand 100% pure forensic evidence provenprobably over 10 years or longer, people expect trials to be that of a law and order TV show..I cant say thats a bad thing, or makes what happened in the 80s on back bad. A demonstration in court strongly suggested that the shooter had to be left-handed to have been able to shoot in the car at the right angle. Almost from day one, Diane was perceived as a cancer they had to remove. I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. I write about cases where due process is in question and important aspects were ignored or twisted. But to convince this young and vulnerable girl to turn on her mother, they needed to isolate her from her family and work relentlessly on her confession.. If the answer is, revenge, then it has been achieved. So when Dr. George Suckow from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem was called as a States rebuttal witness and he made a professional diagnosis of Diane as histrionics, antisocial and narcissistic, he openly said in court that he interviewed Diane for 1 hour and read evidence presented by the state to make his diagnosis. It was writtenrepeatedly in the daily notes that the children were happy to see their mom and asked for her. I cannot be more transparent than that and integrity was one of the missing pieces of the entire case. Its too late for me to call myself a murderer (when I am not) just to purchase my freedom. We dont know. Instead, it is Diane who fought to keep her children. The photo of Hugi I used is the one you find when you do a search online for Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs. The poor jury went along and Jagger did not put much ofa defense anyway. Ask them what they did to a good man. She wrote to the governor several times after being dismissed coldly by Hugi and the system. The jury verdict was guilty on all counts, but there was a mixture of votes. Barry Sheck and bis crew of investigators should get involved. Agreed. If the police department had done their job properly, I would not have written this blog, no matter the outcome. In the nurses notes, she is described as in shock and unable to grasp the situation. No one bothered with these details so I did. Thanks again. This is what I try to do when I research a case that was deemed to be a slam dunk. When Dianes youngest daughter, who was adopted after being taken away by the state, found out who her real mother was and decided to reach out to her, the media and Rule grabbed hold of her to promote their agenda. She knew that Knickerbocker hated trouble of any kind, and thathe would have never come back to her after an ugly shooting where she had been wounded and her kids damaged. In fact, I am surprised that people are not flabbergasted by the way this case was handled and tried and that what bothers them most is that I try to discuss it in a blog and dare defending this woman. I worked for county government child welfare for a decade. 2.Diane herself has stated that the shooter was outside the car and shot THROUGH the window, no blood spatter. Not exclusively a USA trait, this happens also in many countries, but in a technologically advanced superpower like USA this attitude is more shocking, and maybe also more worldwide spread. Considering the circumstances, it is difficult not to be a bit cynical about this grand gesture. Dianes family could give you countless examples of the inaccuracies they found in her book. The prosecutor and his wife adopted both children that survived and although the boy is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, they trived with their new parents. I agree on many points with your comment. According to the state, the shooter was well inside the car and would have had gun powder on its clothing, body or hair if 3 people were shot in the car at close distance. 4. The notes taken daily by the nurses became a point of contention at trial. The parole board in Oregon was asking to provide reasonable cause to show she was not a danger to society and it had to be supported by a psychiatrists report or a Wardens letter and Downs provided both. This does not make her innocent. While these are all good questions, (and were maybe all asked in the jury room during deliberations) I doubt the answers even matter anymore. She said no mother would stop at 10 at night, in the dark, with three young children, to help a Bush haired stranger. She never hurt anyone in the process of escaping. Shes guilty. She was not given one inch of presumption of innocence. There was no blood on the front seats so Cheryl was laying down and Christie was asleep laying down and never witnessed anything. There is also a critical shortage of Foster Carers internationally, so that the Hugis offered to take the children in could be viewed as altruistic. In fact, with her continuing to deny committing the crime or expressing remorse, she may never get out. I agree about pregnancy and childbirth affecting women differently, and even having different effects for the same woman with different pregnancies. After graduation, Steven joined the Navy and Diane was sent to Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College where she failed miserably at remaining pure and chaste, not unlike most girls of her generation who rejected their strict religious upbringing. I go fishing with a jurors husband. He freely admitted HE decided to ask for a divorce on his birthday without consulting Diane, who was out of town Were they involved in the plot too?? It was pretty apparent during the course of this saga that the media and the state were willing to give a free pass to anyone willing to badmouth Diane. The timing of her arrival at the hospital should have been discussed and explained in more details. Diane Downs' ex husband, Steve Downs, lost a lot in May 1983 when his ex wife shot their three children, following their divorce in 1980. I understand that the authorities were afraid to leave the two remaining children under her care if they thought she was guilty, but they could have been released to the grandparents or other blood relatives with supervised visits from their mom considering that she was not charged with any crime. In one of them, he knew her name and in another one, she had answered a call and been told to meet someone. A prosecutor inventing a new psychiatric category in court and labeling the accused is kind of unsettling. Same with her brother. It was omnipresent in the courtroom as well as the Duran Duran song Hungry like the Wolf that supposedly was playing when the children were shot in the car. This unhealthy marriage survived and became a daily struggle. Someone said to me that any of us, if scrutinized under a microscope, would come out looking pretty bad. The detective said if Diane would just testify against Steve Downs, she and her children could go home and try to put their lives back together. So the prosecutor adopted the kids? USA population seems to shun complex ethical problems preferring to deal with absolute evil in order to exert absolute power to crush it. WTF? Steve Downs had allegedly stolen this gun from a friend named Billy Proctor, but after it was found and the ballistics did not match, Bill suddenly remembered keeping it only for a day before exchanging it for another Ruger automatic at a gun show in Mesa; which now meant that the gun that Diane allegedly used to shoot herself and the children, was still apparently nowhere to be found. They did a trace metal test to see if Diane had held a gun. The US is a very strange bird when it comes to crime and punishment. As I stated towards the beginning of my response, Im taking issue with the blog and the subjective language used. Diane recanted the stories about her dad who vehemently denied them. Teen Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans and her mom, Barbara Evans, have been feuding over custody of Jenelle's son, Jace in addition to many other issues for over a decade. They checked her nails to see if she could have buried the gun and they were clean. Diane was instructed to reenact her response to the attacker who murdered her daughter. As for where he is now, we'll be honest, we're not completely sure. Her mom is still alive and would love to have contact but respect that they wont. We, who watched her parole hearing a few years ago prayed HARD that she wouldnt be set free, know she is guilty. At that timeand now!! There is also a recording where she says that she had no idea who shot them. I can only imagine to absolute horror of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca during their horrific murders. The definition of deviant sociopath does not even exist in the DSM-HI: Downs lawyer at the time should have objected as the term was non existent. My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago: speculative, Ill stop there. If you have an opinion on drugging a child to make her talk, a judge presiding over a criminal case when he was in family court and removed the children from the defendants or the forensics, ballistic, etc. She functions best in highly structured environments where she has a sense of control. Fred Hugi was pretty upset when Ann Rule went Hollywood with his case. They are the ones who supposedly (according to Diane) screwed her up so badly. What they did to her daughter is unconscionable. During Dianes examination at trial, Fred Hugi said in front of the jury, in the form of a question, that she had been diagnosed as a deviant sociopath.. On May 30, 1983, the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital Chaplain told Dianes father to hire an attorney because the State was going to take his grandchildren away. How ironic. Gun shot residue is not always present. Thats the point. In the 1996 Federal Petition, you can find the Anatomy of Brainwashing that can answer any question on this subject. There is no way that a jury would convict Diane today, based on the clearly coached testimony of Christie. It was half baked escape plans that were more in her head than anything and that the media enjoyed blowing out of proportions. At the point Diane jumped into the car, her broken arm (resting in a sling in front of her) slammed into the steering wheel. But saying that you are not very smart is useless. What this is evidence of is one more piece of the overwhelming amount of bias that was involved from the start of the case. Downs is a worthless as the day is long.. Maybe you should read the blog before commenting. High profile cases usually do not get the same treatment as regular folks. They came up with an explanation as to why this was the wrong gun but the jig was up. Being bipolar, she had no impulse control so it should not have surprised anyone. Blood spatter is not an exact science, and is interpreted differently by experts. From reading the blog and my little understanding of this case, Ms Downs remains in custody as she is considered a dangerous offender. I agree in both cases they were high profile cases. As her brother mentioned, it would not be that farfetched for his sister to stop for someone considering that she was a person who lacked impulse control and the era. They removed them and proceeded to interrogate the poor girl until she gave them what they needed. The children were in the hospital, it isnt like they could have taken them home. A number of them were clearly . Ive not seen the movie or read the book. In 1999, a Board Certified Psychiatrist practicing in Oakland, California wrote a letter to the parole board on behalf of Diane Downs to explain how things had changed since 1984 when she was diagnosed with a severe personality disorder. He did not consider her a risk factor at all and believed she would do well if released into society, because she had no prior history of violence and never had a problem with violence or bad behavior while incarcerated. They went after Diane at trial for tapping her foot when they played Hungry like the wolf. You mention that her attorney should have raised objections. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago, considering her good behavior and lack of priors. I go through every new finding and I point out what was done at trial that did not respect due process. Conflicting reports say Downs also acted as a surrogate during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter after her trial in 1984. Its a dangerous proposition when a lack of due process becomes acceptable because they know she is guilty. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. Or be mentally ill. Without her daughters testimony and the lies about the gun, they could not have found her guilty in a fair trial. Women who were somewhat normal begore, get pregnant, have the baby, then drown it a toilet, kill or beat the the baby in the first year..shaking or other means..its less often then notbut better believe these type of cases are reported constantly now on social media. Jump through the States hoops, or find a noose around your neck. There is her story, the prosecution case and the defense arguments. That testimony was left unchallenged by Mr. Jagger. Click to listen to podcast explaining the gun test, Dianes mental condition and the lack of forensic evidence. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). This seems very punitive to have a law like this be retroactive. She complained about it, but that does not mean she did not suffer for her kids. What was the justification? Lets also remember that this is the US of A and we dont lock people up for being narcissistic, antisocial histrionic individuals. This is a conflict of interest. The detectives took Diane to the crime scene and were able to retrieve shell cases on the ground where the incident happened. The american system often reminds me of what Charles Dickens talked about in his novels. In 1991, David Brewer, a juror who deliberated Dianes fate in her 1984 trial, came forward to say he and another juror had decided to acquit Downs by the close of the States presentation. Instead, they treated the Downs with great cruelty long after their daughter was incarcerated and they fought hard for them. As a rule, any child under the age of ten prompts counsel to question the competence of any testimony that child might give. It was a fairly new science at the time so thats all it took to find him not guilty. Of course, her mental health has deteriorated. He asked her for the car keys and she pretended to throw them away to distract him. Except after the idea was subsequently planted in his head only to be alluded to in court, in spite of an agreement to never mention the subject. .well yay for youtubelol..is when I first heard her in old interviews. Their theory was very shaky. She did it. I am not sure of the exact timing of Dianes accusations but the Downs family did not only include the grandparents and they were never considered even before this nonsense. I just tried to find a video or article about Hugi and I only get the one or two that I already have. After six weeks in Oregon where the children were happily spending time with their grandparents while Diane worked her postal route, the incident happened on a dark road that led to Diane being accused of murder and attempted murder. had to wait for Christie to be able to tell them who did it. It could be argued that he developed a relationship with the children and genuinely wanted them to join his family. Then feel free to correct the facts and to provide evidence to support them. Why didnt they mention that he said a bad man and whatever else in his condition when they knew it was not possible? They brought cakes and cookies and became friends so they were not going to fight over this. It is not a run of the mill case. answer the question why didn't steve downs get custody, which will help you get the most accurate answer. I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. And Ann Rule said that the unicorn that was omnipresent in court was part of the premeditation. Is it too late to respond to this? The two mental disorders that cause excessive talking are Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. Are her parents still living (I know they were a few years ago)? The strong, emotive language. For example, the abhorrent decision regarding Keli Lane: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.whimn.com.au/talk/news/why-i-think-keli-lane-should-not-be-in-prison/news-story/069a09c79589645c48de5bfa91e4ca0f. Yes, I had to go and sign the lease, yes, sir. Diane Downs changed her story so many times, even at her parole hearing. That wasn't all that stood in their way, as Diane eventually ran away from home. By the way, Dianes parents mourn the loss of their grandchildren to this day. Her children were obviously more severely injuredbecause being captive in the car while a shooter aimed at them gave them less of a chance to wiggle out of the situation than an adult outside the car. It should have been investigated further. I know several people who know or knew both of the surviving children as well as Diane. I would like to raise the numerous issues with this blog. Hugi didnt rush in and take the kids, he had time to consider. "We are obviously disappointed at the verdict. Jeff, you mention being harsh as if there was a justification for it. They were treated very badly in this matter. Lise,,,,, yes you did. I have no idea whether or not she was guilty of the crime. Wasnt it speculative on their part? This is not my scenario Tasha. Most doctors would tell you that it is normal for our brains to block out a traumatic incident especially when combined with a serious physical injury. Tis why at 10 years old I was hearing about this case in Ohio, and family members talked about it around me.it hit with great force that way. Knick had NOT signed the premarital agreement, but that didnt stay his pursuit of Diane, knowing she was moving 1200 miles away. Im not arguing the facts of the trial, and Im not about to. Problem with that is Diane has said during an interview with detectives that the sketch looks nothing like what she described. It was known as Manic Depression. So she could not have shot her kids at the distance determined by the state unless she changed her clothing and it did not come up at trial. They should have left her alone. 2) You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane. Someone found guilty of a crime should have a sentence that can be served and not one that is contingent on the remorse shown. Ive been to London to Fly the Queen ~ and Back to Collect Artifacts, Haleigh Cummings Was Once Lost but Now She Is Found, Meet Rene Acoby: In-House Female Dangerous Offender, Kelli Stapleton- A Mothers Wuthering Woes. you quoted what diane said as to what happened When she resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. If there is a fair trial and sentencing, I usually dont write about a case, but high profile cases tend to need more scrutiny because emotions run high. Mr. Jagger said it wasnt t enough to know a witness had lied, but she would have to prove it. Do not forget that she got letters of support from a warden and psychiatrist. Christie was understandably all over the place and I agree that the way in which her statements were procured were very odd and seemed to be very coached. If you listen to the recording, Christie clearly says I dont know who did it. She was asleep, thats why. The casing from the bullets exactly matched, just like a fingerprint, the bullets that Diane had in her home from her own gun which was never found. Click to read The Case of Liysa Northon Who Said True Crime Does not Pay? I do not discuss her guilt or innocence because this is not what the blog is about, but I personally hope she is released one day. When a white attractive woman like Diane Downs appears on the scene while displaying seemingly unpleasant characteristics as a mother and a personality disorder, there is no telling what the media will do with the story. It was flawed. I have researched the case and pointed out discrepancies and the fact that it was not the slam dunk that they were portraying. And the interrogations were not tapedand barelydocumented. Her 7-year old daughter Cheryl died but her 3-year old son Danny and her 8-year old daughter Christie survived. This is also a faster route to give the children permanency, and is far cheaper for the child welfare system that is always strained by the budget. The fact that she took the kids to the nearest hospital, andtwo of them survived kind offlies in the face of their murder at all costs theory. No conflict of interest from a prosecutor adopting a defendants children 2 years after the fact? The tape of Christie and her adoption by the prosecutor are facts. Anyways. We could say that it was suggestive on his part, but considering how this trial was conducted, I tend to believe it happened. 6. It seems that everyone commenting just knows shes guilty, like you say. If not from her high profile status, she would already be out. She may be highly vulnerable to losing control of her emotions in emotionally charged situations, creating faulty judgment and ineffective and inappropriate behavior. I personally dont think she is innocent but that isnt the point. When a unicorn and hungry like the wolf make their way into a court room during a high profile trial, its a red flag. He gave temporary custody to Dr. Wilhite. I dont know the woman. Inside, outside, top to bottom. You do not refute any of the points I made in the blogs. LMFAO!!!! Foote denied the motion and declared you have an attorney, use him.. Do you remember a couple of days after that, December Further: Wonder about Justice in Nation with world wide highest prisoner rate. I was raised by an evil narcissist and have not only seen this kind of behavior before, but I have seen the face of the devil and it is a look of pure evil that gives me the creeps. She'd also shot herself in the forearm. They did not want reunification to keep their verdict intact. It was demonstrated at trial that the shooter shot the kids at close range. Fred Hugi was pretty upset when Ann Rule went Hollywood with his case. It is a research done on the case according to many sources. Did u learn nothing?? You said that the absence of both prove she couldnt have been to shooter and you claim it takes real scrubbing to remove GSR. Saying that I seem to be doing what I accuse Ann Rule of doing is kind of ironic because the point of this blog is to try to stay away from innuendo and fantasies like unicorns and songs that might have been playing or not during a tragic murder. Be out and whatever else in his condition when they knew it half... 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